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The United States accounts for only about 5% of the global population, but responsible for 30% of global use and 28% of carbon emissions. Burning fossil fuels, heat and transportation are some of the biggest contributors in the U.S. For us we saw a big problem and decided to be one of the first pioneers to set a footprint in the right directions.
Let’s go electric!
With new emission laws being implemented daily and the significant problem of poor air quality in particularly urban areas , we decided, lets offer an all electric service to help businesses lower their carbon footprint and achieve their environmental sustainability goals. While being and all minority operated business we plan on increasing our staff by 60 percent with an emphasis on combatting the high unemployment rate in the BIPOC and underserved communities in the state of Michigan.
Conventional lawn care has been America’s dirty little secret for far too long.
The dirty truth:
FACT: One hour of gas mowing spews the same Volatile Organic Compound pollution as 11 hours of driving an average car. (EPA)
FACT: One gas mower produces 87 lbs. of CO2, and 54 lbs. of other air pollutants each year. (EPA)
FACT: Over 17 million gallons of gas are spilled each year refueling lawn and garden equipment – more oil than was spilled by the Exxon Valdez. (Clean Air Foundation)
Fact: Prolonged exposure to typical lawn equipment (100 decibels), can cause permanent hearing loss. (National Institute of Health)